Certificate in J2EE
- Course Duration - 80 hours
- 100% hands-on lab exercises
- Regular individual time bound test
- Emphasis on group work & group test
- Starts from basics (HTML, CSS, Core Java)
- Advanced J2EE Topics covered
- Aligned with industry & always up-to-date
- Cyber Crimes & Application Security
- T10(Ten Minutes Ten Marks) - Tests your speed and knowledge
Web Basics
- Basics of HTML, CSS, Java Script
- Basics of SQL and MySQL
Core Java
- Concept of Object Oriented Programming (OOPS)
- Concept of Class and Object
- Java Virtual Machine (JVM), JRE and JDK
- Environment Setup, IDE Configuration(Eclipse)
- Fundamentals of Java Standard Edition
- JAVA API and Library classes
- Exception Handling & Java Logger
- Read/Write CSV files
- Regular Expressions
- Java Documentation
- Enterprise Architecture (MVC)
- HTTP Request and Form Handling
- The Deployment Descriptor
- Servlet programming
- Concepts of DAO & DTO
- Java Server Pages programming with JSTL
- Connection with Database using JDBC
- Access & manipulate Oracle Data
- Session Management
- The Web Archive and Enterprise Archive
- XML parsing and PDF Creation using XML and XSL
- Sending Email from Java
- Google Search AutoComplete using Ajax
- Usage of different design patterns (Business Delegate)
Frameworks & JQuery
- Power of JQuery with implementation
- Idea of Java Frameworks (Struts, Spring 3.0 MVC, Hibernate)
- Basic Examples of different frameworks
- Live project
Cyber Crime
- Cyber Crime Cases in India
- Counter Measures
- Indian IT Act